In Dublin we spent all the time meeting family and relatives. We did some sightseeing with Trish and with Celine & Shay.

There are a lot of people from both Brigid (Janet's Mum) and Jim's (Janet's Dad) side of the family. With time I intend to have them all properly listed in the "Origin" pages.



Geraldine & Megan

Marion, Janet & Mary

Stephanie & Liam

Larry (Jim's brother) & Marion

Larry & Shay

Geraldine, Peter & Larry

Liam, Janet & Peter at the pub to watch AUS x JPN

Liam dressed up in all the aussie colours

Notice Guus on TV in the background

Janet, Liam, Brendan, Phil (Brigid's sister) & Trish

Trish, Peter & Liam

Trish, Janet & Liam

Janet & Mary (Brigid's sister)

Powers Court Castle

Old Monastery in the outskirts of Dublin

Celine, Shay & Liam in the centre of Dublin

Kilmainham Prison

That's were they filmed "In the Name of the Father"

A cell

Another cell

In a pub for dinner

Even Liam is enjoying the local Guinnes

Stephanie, Liam, Liam & Janet

Dublin Weather